Sunday 25 November 2012

Journal 7: White on White, Black on Black

For this weeks journal we were to take 2 photos, one with a white object against a white background, and the other with a black object against a black background. Exposure was key with this project, as you didn't want the object to just disappear into the background. The following two photos are what I did for this journal.



Friday 23 November 2012

Montage Project

This week we were working in photoshop, learning different tools and techniques we can use to manipulate photos. We first practiced this by editing a spongebob photo. We had to add some different images into the photo as well as play with textures and layers. The photo above is for the project related to the practice we did. We were to take photos of a person in one scene, and have them move around the scene instead of moving the camera. It was important to take all the photos at around the same time to ensure that the lighting didn't change. After taking the photos it was our job to edit them in photoshop, and add the person into one picture, making it look like there were multiple of one person in the photo.

Monday 19 November 2012

Journal 6: One Object Four Ways

For this weeks journal we were given the challenge to take one object and capture it in four interesting and different ways, whether we did that through changing the angle, lighting, or physically changing the object. Above is what I chose to do for this journal.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Photoshop Practice

After completing the Cindy Sherman project that was going on over the past few weeks, we began learning about photoshop, and were to use one of the photos from the project to practice some new techniques. Due to the fact that the photos were taken on disposable cameras, there were many lighting issues with some of the pictures, as well as some noise in the pictures. Below is the original photo off the camera on the left, and the edited photo I did in photoshop on the right.

Some of the things we practiced in photoshop was how to reduce noise in the photo, cropping, reducing colour cast, as well as working with brightness/darkness as well as shadows/highlights, which are the main edits I worked on in this photo. I also practiced putting two photos onto one file, which is what I did above.

Friday 9 November 2012

Cindy Sherman Project

For the past few weeks my photography class has been working on a self portrait project called the Cindy Sherman project, which is a project that was done by 2 highschools lead by Brock University. We were to take two self portraits and two portraits of us pretending to be a character. At the end, one of our photos is going to be displayed at an art gallery, which is pretty cool. The following is what I have chosen to display at the art gallery, along with the artist statement below.

Home Is Where The Heart Is


The concept behind this photo is how someone's job can affect their family life. I first thought of this idea because my grandma was a nurse, and once I talked to her about her time as a nurse, I realized that it must have been really hard to raise a family. She worked night shifts, so she didn't get to see her family as much as some other families would see each other, which is what I was trying to portray in this photo. I found it really inspiring how she tried to spend as much time with her family as she could, and how she was able to do such a good job raising her family